Money or Passion ? Answering Your Quarter Life Crisis
The Question That Shape Who You Are

“If you understand yourself, you will create better decision. You are your greatest enemy as well as your greatest resource.”
1. Money or Passion ?
This seems like a million dollar question, motivators would often speaks “Follow your passion!” “Follow your dream!” “Nothing is impossible.” but at some point, reality hits and we have to work at somewhere we didn’t like. This dilemma of whether we should purse our job that focus on money or passion is also discussed in “You do you” book.
Before we discuss more, let’s all agree with this little definition of perfect job.
Perfect job is what you enjoy, what the worlds needs, what you can be paid for, and what you are good at.
Do you agree with that statement ? If you say yes, let’s continue, if you have different opinion, I hope this article still helps you.
Whether it’s for the money or for the passion. The most important thing is you have to start it, (of course proper planning is needed). Time in our 20s is the perfect time to experiment what is good and what is suitable for your life.
It’s okay to not have a perfect job at the start of your career, in fact more than 60% students worldwide feels like they choose the wrong major in their universities.
So just start experimenting what is good for you and start getting closer to your perfect job. Some people start with what they love, some would start from money. It doesn’t matter where you start but make sure you are getting closer to your “perfect job” and improve yourself everyday.
2. Multipotentialite
Multipotentialite (what a hard word, honestly) refers to people that have multiple skills and make a career from those skills.
For example Leonardo da vinci is a painter, an engineer, and also a writer. Another example that is more relevant would be Jack Conte who is a CEO of Patreon and also a musician. You certainly can be successful with more than one career, never limit yourself.
When we were a child, our parents or teacher will often ask “What do you want to become ?” and most of the times we sticks with “I want to become soldier, doctor, pilot!”. Look how we already create a “box” while we are still a child. It is time to break the box and become something that you truly want to become not just “doctor, pilot,soldier” but more like “I want to be impactful to people by creating the best toy ever!”.
Never limit yourself, the world is vast so is your potential
If you have multiple skills or hobbies, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to master more than one of them. There are also more benefit that comes from multipotentialite people :
- Idea synthesis : Multipotentialite people have the skills to connect the dots because they understand what other career looks like. This is certainly useful to solve a problem and generating new ideas to create business opportunity.
- Adaptability : Multipotentialite people could adapt easily because they are used to learn new things and if you are quick on catching up new things, obviously you will adapt faster.
3. The Four Net Worth
“Skill, influence, health, money”
Back in my university, I’m already obsessed with rising my passive income, it likes my whole purpose of life is just increasing my passive income no matter what so I don’t have to work. Turned out it was not a healthy thing to do
Net worth is not always about money but also skill, influence, and health. Money could go disappear, but our skill and experience will be with us as long as we live and that’s how we increase our money.
For example, you may have a lot of money, let’s say 1 million dollar, how do you maintain and increase your wealth to become 2 million dollar ? These would need personal finance skills and related business skills.
Influence is also one of the net worth, you could obtain information more easily and vice versa, people would contact you for business opportunity if you have good influence. Not only that, you could inspire and give positive impact to a lot of people (For me, it gives some kind of happiness).
And lastly, it’s health. It is not rare to see rich family become poor because they used all of their money to get treatment from the best doctor. Although some scenarios is hard to predict, but we certainly could have healthier body with just a little 5 minute jog in the morning and eat vegetables. What is the point of having a lot of money if you cannot enjoy it 😁?
Not only increasing money, increasing influence, skills, and improving your health is also important.