Machine Learning A-Z, Fundamentals of Logic and Data Preprocessing
A-Z Material for Understanding Machine Learning
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Machine learning have been growing fast since 2020, more and more AI company start to emerge and of course it have changed people’s life. But what exactly is machine learning ?

Machine learning refers to machine that outputs rules intead of answers based on the dataset
But there is more to machine learning.. Here are the typical questions that students often ask :
a. How can we understand more about this, where do we start ?
b. How is the process of generating the rules, what algorithm is used ?
c. What data that the machine needs ?
d. And so on…
Well first of all, it’s always good to know the overall machine learning flow, starts from the input, cleaning, pre-processing- training- and deployment.

For every person that wants to deep dive more into this magical world of physics and data driven universe I shall give you the material that you need.
Check out the Material here
This consist some of the most used algorithm in industry, of course in this material is simplified in order to make learning progress smoothly

If you are new to machine learning, you should start from part 1 — part 10 without jumping any part. But if you are already an expert, just choose the part that you are lacking.
Have fun exploring!