Wants vs Needs : Why Wants could be much more Important and Powerful than Needs
Debunking that we should get what we need not what we want.
When we were a child, we often taught that needs is much more important than what we want. A needs include things that we much have to live such as water, food, shelter, and clothes. Well that might be true if you are living in the jungle. But in this modern era where our primary needs are fulfilled, we start to find it difficult to motivate ourselves, I found what we wants is much more useful than what we needs.

What you want is what motivates you
Everyone have a dream and something that they want. For example, Elon Musk want to colonize Mars, and that’s why he build SpaceX. Usain bolt wants to win running competitions, and that’s why he run.
You, I assume wants to earn money for living a comfortable life, that’s why you work. Although I might be wrong about you, I’m positive everyone have something that they want, and they are working for it.
Imagine if you don’t have anything that you want to do in life. Life would be so boring and useless. Yes, sure you also needs food and water in order to live, but in modern world and if you have a device to read this article, I’m pretty sure you can buy water and food.
Edwin C. Barnes, co-worker of Thomas Alpha Edison have an interesting journey to prove that wants and desire could bring him to life that he dreams of. Barnes had a strong desire to work with Edison, although he doesn’t have enough funds to continue his journey, his desire makes him choose and find another way, which is why he hopped onto a freight train as a blind baggage or illegal passenger.
If we think about what Barnes did, there is no guarantee that Barnes will work with Edison, there is no guarantee that he even meet Edison, but he still hopped onto the train.
Long story short, Barnes didn’t get the chance to work with Edison on his first interview. He did get a chance to work in Edison offices at nominal wage, doing work that Edison count as unimportant.
But Barnes made a point to showcase his more intangible attributes to Edison any chance he could. His unrelenting mindset was “I came here to go into business with Edison, and I’ll accomplish this end if it takes the remainder of my life.” And at the end, Barnes manage to create a partnership with Edison.
Barnes manage to get the life that he wants because he truly wants and desire it. So I’m pretty sure you could also be successful if you really desire for it. And this is why I think wants is much more important than needs. Because if you truly want something, you will find a way.
I myself want to earn money as a writer, and that’s why I’m happy while writing, since I know that will help me achieve my dream.
If you truly want something, you will find a way