What Sort of Life Would You Live so You Could Bare Your Suffering ?
Think About it for 5 Minutes

I hope You’ve specified your goal, even if it’s rather vaguely, it’s already a good thing because you want something to achieve.
People often say I JUST want to be happy, well good luck with that, you can’t say “Just want to be happy”, when you put “JUST”, are you telling me that all of your current conditions is not enough to make you “JUST happy ?”
Even when people say “I want to be happy,” it’s more likely that you want to avoid the negative emotions rather than living in a hedonistic delight.
What does happy even mean ?
Listen, Happiness in “I want to be happy” is much more related to “enthusiasm”, which means to be inspired. And Inspired happen when you have a goal.
Your happiness is closer to not when you “attain the goal” but when you are “pursuing one.” It is associated with moving forward. Just as your negative emotions refer to freezing and moving backward.
No goal means no positive emotions
No goal also means confusions
Confusions means anxiety and dread
Life without a goal is confusing and give you a lifetime anxiety
Use your negative emotions as a way to push you forward, and make progress to your goal